Individual and Couples’ Private Sessions
Together, we identify any pain and constricted energy that come from limiting beliefs and life events. During the session, as your energy and emotions begin to flow where they had been previously restricted, you get to experience yourself anew in more vast and vibrant ways.
Over the last fifty years of my own spiritual journey and of working with people, I’ve drawn from my background in psychotherapy, metaphysical spirituality, and energy healing. However, most of what I bring to sessions is what I’ve experienced and learned from my own intensive healing and awakening.
I’m always moved by the authenticity, vulnerability and deep sharing that occurs during private sessions.
Together, we identify any pain and constricted energy that come from limiting beliefs and life events. During the session, as your energy and emotions begin to flow where they had been previously restricted, you get to experience yourself anew in more vast and vibrant ways.
Over the last fifty years of my own spiritual journey and of working with people, I’ve drawn from my background in psychotherapy, metaphysical spirituality, and energy healing. However, most of what I bring to sessions is what I’ve experienced and learned from my own intensive healing and awakening.
Length: 30 or 60 minutes
Location: Zoom, FaceTime or phone.
Location: Zoom, FaceTime or phone.
Les séances sont également possibles en français.
Questions or to schedule: Please contact info@anamika.com or 866-260-6032.
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