YOUR PROFILE: reflects all your purchases & more. To edit, click the PROFILE Button and the EDIT button. You can then: 
  • Add a photo
  • Change your password preemptively. Not the same as password recovery. 
  • Edit your Privacy Settings

YOUR ACCOUNT: is where you can: 
  • Manage your Subscription to Anamika's Community Membership. 
  • Change/update your credit card on file.
  • Review your purchase history. 

If you didn't logout from your previous visit you'll still be logged in. 

If you did logout then you'll need to login again.
  • Click on the LOGIN button in the upper right corner of the page. 
  • Enter your email and the NEW password you created for this NEW site.


At the online event you’ll see two Zoom Access Options. If you do not see two options, it means your screen has collapsed the menu on the left side. To make the menu visible, please look for the white double arrows << near the top of the screen. Click on these double arrows << and the menu should appear on the left revealing the two Zoom access options.

Option #1 is the direct Zoom Client Join URL which allows most users all options within Zoom. It's best suited on PCs with the Zoom recommended Chrome Browser.

Option #2 is the Zoom invitation if you use a Mac or Safari/other browser and can't access the Gallery View or computer audio/video using Option #1.

Option #2 is also how to join by IOS, Android or land phones using the telephone numbers and meeting ID provided. International callers can use a link to find their local numbers.


Please be considerate and arrive for the event early to allow time to troubleshoot any problems accessing the event and so the event can start on time without the disruption of people joining late.

The Zoom software will ask if you'd like to use audio or video. If you choose audio, it will help you to setup your speakers and microphone. If you choose video, it will help you to setup your video camera as well. The Zoom software will install quickly and easily on your desktop one time only.

Please turn your video camera on once the event starts. Anamika works with people visually and cannot access the same level of perception without being able to see you. If you don’t have a video cam or can’t turn it on due to distracting background movement, please contact MODERATOR-Katerina in the live event or at info@anamika.com prior to the event starting.

Anamika will mute everyone's microphone for the best listening experience. If you'd like to ask questions, reply to questions, or share your experience please type into the Zoom Chat box to EVERYONE. This way, everyone can benefit from the questions, answers, and theme of the experiences.

While viewing Anamika on the main screen you will also be able to view the other participants as a thumbnail video in the Gallery View. Your video, audio and chat text will not appear in the recording replay, only Anamika’s screen will. The exception to this is if you give Anamika permission to work with you live via video. Then your video feed will appear in the video replay.

If you have any questions or problems PRIOR to the workshop, please let me know at info@anamika.com or 866-260-6032.

If you have any questions or problems DURING the workshop, please send a Zoom PRIVATE CHAT message to, MODERATOR - Katerina.

We're happy when you're inspired to share Anamika's work with your family and friends. However, please be aware that the cost is per person rather than per household or per computer. Thanks!

TO ACCESS THE ONLINE CLASS REPLAYS: (which will be filled in over time)

If you didn't logout from your previous visit you'll still be logged in. 
  • Click on the Online Classes product and then click Continue. If you only see a video screen, click the double arrow << to expand reveal the menu.
  • The online class replays are listed by Month and Week in reverse chronological order. 
  • Click the Month's Down Arrow to reveal all the weeks of classes. 
  • Click on the one you'd like to view. 
  • Click the Play Video icon to start the video. 

If you did logout then you'll need to login again:
  • Click on the LOGIN button in the upper right corner of the page. 
  • Enter your email and the NEW password you created for this NEW site.
  • Click on the Online Classes product and then click Continue. If you only see a video screen, click the double arrow << to expand reveal the menu.
  • The online class replays are listed by Month and Week in reverse chronological order. 
  • Click the Month's Down Arrow to reveal all the weeks of classes. 
  • Click on the one you'd like to view. 
  • Click the Play Video icon to start the video. 

TO ACCESS YOUR WORSHOP HISTORY: (Which will be filled in over time.)

If you didn't logout from your previous visit you'll still be logged in.
  • From either the START or PROFILE pages, Click on the workshop you'd like to view. 
  • Click the Play Video icon to start the video. 

If you did logout then you'll need to login again.
  • Click on the LOGIN button in the upper right corner of the page. 
  • Enter your email and the NEW password you created for this NEW site.
  • Once you're logged in, from either the START or PROFILE pages Click on the workshop you'd like to view.
  • Click CONTINUE to be taken to the video. 
  • Click the Play Video icon to start the video. 

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