Welcoming The Light Of New Potential

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Life has really changed in the past month and it will continue to do so! Events are occurring that are majorly disrupting our sense of reality. While this is an extraordinary portal into a new future, disruption can also be extremely challenging.

Our former sense of purpose and the familiar structure of daily life have been altered. Initially, for some people this is was a great relief, while for others a source of fear, anger, and hopelessness. As the pause continues some people are feeling impatient to get back to work or to socialize, frustration at not having life the way they want it, and rage at the sense of powerlessness.

We are seeing with greater clarity the insanity of shadow aspects that have been buried within each of us and within our collective. Facing this can be shocking and overwhelming on one level while ultimately relieving and enlightening.

The task of growing beyond our culture of divisiveness, especially during a global pandemic, can seem daunting and impossible, but will ultimately prove exhilarating and liberating. This growth is what we came here to do, and it requires something of each of us.

Imagine surrendering past the habitual power grab that robs us of our hope, vitality, dignity and character. It’s born of blame of self and other, and righteousness about our point of view. Imagine climbing out of our own limited perspectives and holding the space open for a new future to unfold. We have called forth this chance to evolve.

A new future comes from the unknown, beyond space and time. Trying to foresee or figure it out would indeed be impossible. But we can welcome and receive the energy of pure potential without yet knowing its form. This potential transcends the past and allows us to become more of who we truly are.

As we welcome potential, its light becomes substance made real as new form. In choosing to welcome its light, we consciously create our new reality. We’re standing on a pinnacle of a new future, which has the potential to far surpass all that has come before.

In this workshop we will:
  • identify what is draining our vitality
  • allow our past to fall away
  • receive the light of pure potential which creates our new future

The workshop lasts 90 minutes.
Community Members receive a 20% discount.

We’re happy when you’re inspired to share Anamika’s work with your family & friends. Please be aware that the cost is per person rather than per household or per computer. Thanks!


As a pioneer in spiritual metaphysics expanding the boundaries of consciousness, Anamika has been guiding people in their  explorations and discoveries through sessions and workshops for over forty years. Author of four books, she has appeared on many television and radio shows. She has a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia Pacific University and a diploma from The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She lives in Malibu, CA. www.anamika.com
Patrick Jones - Course author
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