Relaxing Deeply During Great Change

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There’s a huge energy shift on the planet toward greater harmony along with the enormous conflict and suffering that are occurring. For those people attuning themselves to harmony, our energetic bodies are taking quantum leaps while it takes time for the physical body to catch up.

Physically, we can feel out of sorts as we come into greater alignment with the bigger energies. There can also be ripples of dissonance and disharmony as we are building toward a new wave of harmony. The dissonance can be very uncomfortable because even our energetic center of gravity is changing. This can be extremely disorienting to the physical body.

If we fight the dissonance, we get more tense and anxious. If we don’t fight the dissonance and physical symptoms, but gently lean into harmony, we can find a deep state of relaxation even through all of the change. Life can unfold gracefully when we move past the 3 B’s (blaming, bitching, bashing) and the related energies that pull us away from deeper harmony such as hatred, resistance, arrogance, righteousness, refusal, rejection, defiance, push away and separation to name a few! These energies are deeply entrenched because they are part of survival patterns that begin when we’re very young. These patterns truly believe our life depends on keeping the survival pattern going, so they fight hard against change.

When we integrate the dissonance with compassion and drop all our needs, wants, demands, and stories, the only thing left to do is deeply relax, have fun, and enjoy our lives.

In this workshop we will:
• take note of the dissonance we’re feeling
• include it with compassion
• move into more harmony, peace and enjoyment

The workshop lasts 90 minutes.

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Anamika has been guiding people in their awakening through private sessions, workshops, and online seminars for over forty-five years. Author of Loving Now, and..., Love in Fur Coats, and French Lessons in Love, she has appeared on many television and radio shows.

With a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia Pacific University she also graduated from The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Her desire to grow has led her to into metaphysics, music, French, the healing arts and sciences, and animal communication. She lives in Sequim, WA, USA.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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