Many people find themselves exhausted, burned out, and overly stressed. This can result from trying to be responsible for doing everything themselves to try to meet their own survival needs. While fierce independence and control are necessary in a state of survival, we do not need to stay in a survival paradigm because it perpetuates persecution, wounding, and victimization.
New frequencies beyond survival are available for us to receive and embody. To experience their flow requires becoming aware of, and going beyond, our blocks to receiving. These blocks come from a linear perspective in which there is somewhere to go, something to accomplish, and somewhere to get.
Relinquishing control does not mean we become dependent and passive, but rather, open, and available for receiving and interdependent co-creating. We can enjoy and celebrate what is, rather than waste our time fighting against it. We can enjoy and celebrate who and where we are rather than following our endless demands that we be someone and somewhere else.
Receiving is not a passive state, it is a very active resonance that invites us into playful delighted joy. As we expand, so does our beautiful energetic complexity, which gives rise to innovative creativity, birthing new form in magical ways. While this can be upsetting, frightening, and even enraging to the parts of us that operate in a linear fashion, it is uplifting, nourishing, and freeing to our greater nature.
We can receive with gratitude and there is gratitude in receiving. Life is an extraordinarily abundant gift, and we are here to learn to receive extraordinarily abundantly. In receiving abundantly, we can celebrate being part of creation creating itself.
In this workshop we will:
• identify our fears around receiving
• name our blockages
• experience receiving abundantly
The workshop lasts 90 minutes.
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