Navigating Extreme Change

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Every day we are facing new challenges, crises, violence, and disasters within the chaos and uncertainty of these times of extreme change. There are so many endings of what we’ve known. The constant turmoil can seem overwhelming, daunting or hopeless.

As much as we sometimes want to resist this intensity of change, it’s part of new beginnings, and of our nature and passion to evolve. Despite our fears of what is unknown, it’s thrilling to rise to the occasion and innovate. Despite our worries when we don’t know what to do, new solutions await us.

To navigate these times of extreme change requires something different than relying on what we already know. It requires touching a light within us that has been previously untapped, unimaginable and unfathomable. Immersed in the beauty of this light, we can be gifted with fresh inspiration, power, and purpose. Gifted with new dreams and visions, we can welcome change and create anew.

In this workshop we will:
  • learn how to access our light within the unknown
  • open to receive the gifts awaiting us
  • discover new dreams, inspiration and magic to create anew

The workshop lasts 90 minutes.
Community Members receive a 20% discount.

We’re happy when you’re inspired to share Anamika’s work with your family & friends. Please be aware that the cost is per person rather than per household or per computer. Thanks!


As a pioneer in spiritual metaphysics expanding the boundaries of consciousness, Anamika has been guiding people in their  explorations and discoveries through sessions and workshops for over forty years. Author of four books, she has appeared on many television and radio shows. She has a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia Pacific University and a diploma from The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She lives in Malibu, CA.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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