Discovering And Creating From New Resonances

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First in a series on Resonance

We are changing more intensely than ever before. Our very nature is changing, as is the nature of what we experience as reality. We’ve never been here before!

The current turbulence and ambiguity is because we are not simply further awakening within an old operating system, paradigm or reality. It’s that who we and our world have been are unraveling and reweaving anew.

In this process, everything about how we work, relate, and express ourselves is becoming different. We can easily wonder: Am I losing myself, going crazy, or doing something wrong? How am I supposed to function and have a life? How am I supposed to work, relate to others and build a new world from this unknown place?

There is much to understand and experience in this time of change that’s different than ever before. I will be describing the uniqueness of the process we are amidst. I will also be providing an energy transmission and journey so that you can experience the new resonances that are available. In touching and embodying new octaves, every area of your life can more effortlessly unfold in an elegantly creative and magical way.

In this workshop you’ll:
  • Feel the new resonances inside and outside of your body
  • Distinguish more clearly between your old and new self
  • Make deeper contact with a new sense of self
  • Let go of who you are no longer
  • Learn how to effortlessly create from your new resonances

The workshop lasts 90 minutes.
Community Members receive a 20% discount.

We’re happy when you’re inspired to share Anamika’s work with your family & friends. Please be aware that the cost is per person rather than per household or per computer. Thanks!


As a pioneer in spiritual metaphysics expanding the boundaries of consciousness, Anamika has been guiding people in their  explorations and discoveries through sessions and workshops for over forty years. Author of four books, she has appeared on many television and radio shows. She has a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia Pacific University and a diploma from The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She lives in Malibu, CA.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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