Becoming More Authentic

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It’s very easy to get seduced by fear-based stories and overwhelmed by the pain they cause. The fear stories come from our primitive brain. This mental survival-oriented part of us thinks that it’s the real and only “I”, the big and only one. Its orientation is, “What do I have to do to fix this or that? How can I get more? How can I be in control of my life? What do I have to do to get there?”

Our primitive brain is not the seat of our consciousness, even though it is quite sure that it is. Even though this mental survival-oriented part of us is only one small element within our larger consciousness, most people have lived mostly from its limited perspective. While we won’t be able to change its point of view, we can become aware that there is much more to our consciousness than just that limited aspect of who we are. Then we can explore more expansive parts of ourselves.

Our consciousness includes all that we are and all that is. We can access our ever-expanding consciousness by accepting the primitive brain as just a part of who we are, and not as the whole. As we see it for what it is, we become less and less seduced by its painful fear-based stories.

Being real or authentic doesn’t mean being perfect or resolving the fear stories of our primitive brain. Nothing is wrong with any part of us, and we can hold all of who we are as precious. We don’t have to work hard to try to get somewhere because there’s nowhere to get. There isn’t a place where we are finally perfect and finished.

Being authentic is a state of inclusivity in which we get to know the different parts of who we are and can hold them all in love, compassion and acceptance. Then we no longer live from the perspective of just one or more of our limited parts. When we include all of who we are from the most limited to the most limitless, we are continually integrating and expanding or enlightening. This process goes on forever and is in fact quite fun. In this authenticity, we live at peace with ourselves and the world as they are in this moment, and as they are evolving, becoming new.

In this workshop we will:
· identify some aspects of ourselves that have been challenging to accept
· include all parts with love and compassion
· experience more of our authenticity

The workshop lasts 90 minutes.

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Anamika has been guiding people in their awakening through private sessions, workshops, and online seminars for over forty-five years. Author of Loving Now, and..., Love in Fur Coats, and French Lessons in Love, she has appeared on many television and radio shows.

With a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia Pacific University she also graduated from The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Her desire to grow has led her to into metaphysics, music, French, the healing arts and sciences, and animal communication. She lives in Sequim, WA, USA.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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