Becoming More Of Your Greater Self

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Now is a good time to slow down, relax, and look within once again. It’s not a time to break new ground but rather a time to continue letting go of the past as well as letting go of imagined futures, no matter how beautiful they may be.

It’s also a time to receive more light and inspiration for surpassing who you’ve been. It’s time for a bold inner leap in consciousness.

During this period of review, you might find yourself spontaneously remembering certain events of your past, who you were during those times, or perhaps your desires during that era. You might also notice that it’s heavy to drag around the past, whether it’s full of regrets and complaints, or lovely hopes and dreams.

Carrying these heavy energies robs us of our true aliveness. When we are willing to courageously let go of old stories and interpretations, we can open into the present. There, in the stillness and grace of presence, we can touch and be touched by our greater self.

Our greater self is a part of us that we experience more fully each time we connect with it, because we are always becoming new. And as we continually receive more of who we are, there is such delight in the blending! There in the oneness, new horizons of dreams, visions and power emerge that were previously unimaginable.

In this workshop you will:
  • identify what you wish to let go of from the past or from imagined futures
  • release energies that no longer serve you
  • journey into the richness of presence
  • receive gifts of light, inspiration and passion from your greater self for new creation

The workshop lasts 90 minutes.
Community Members receive a 20% discount.

We’re happy when you’re inspired to share Anamika’s work with your family & friends. Please be aware that the cost is per person rather than per household or per computer. Thanks!


As a pioneer in spiritual metaphysics expanding the boundaries of consciousness, Anamika has been guiding people in their  explorations and discoveries through sessions and workshops for over forty years. Author of four books, she has appeared on many television and radio shows. She has a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia Pacific University and a diploma from The Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She lives in Malibu, CA.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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